vim commands top 10

The 10 most important commands in the VIM text editor for beginners

In this blog article, our focus is on the most important commands for beginners to work effectively with the VIM editor. The VIM or “vi” is a super effective tool for working in the Linux terminal and is almost a must to handle. 0. ESC key The ESC key is super important and lets you switch from “insert mode” to command mode. Always make sure that when you want to …

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The 9 most important Nextcloud OCC commands for the console

To use Nextcloud optimally, it can be helpful to know some OCC commands that can be executed via the console. This can be useful, for example, for Nextcloud troubleshooting, scripts, updates, etc. OCC stands for OwnCloud Console and is a tool that enables various administrative tasks. In this article, we present some of the most important OCC commands that can be useful for experienced Nextcloud users. Using OCC OCC is …

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